Hey, reader. Long time, no see. Welcome back to the Impetus Records Scene Report. It’s been over a year and golly, have we got some scene to report on.

A couple of reminders:

You can find a comprehensive list of all all-ages shows in Delaware on Instagram at @de.under.ground

As always, Impetus is running local distribution. Head over to our distro page if you’re interested in stocking any releases with us.

And finally, if you want reminders of when we put these reports out, and any other scene related news, subscribe to our newsletter here on the top right corner of our website!

Impetus had a great time at the Newark Punk Rock Flea Market earlier in May and we thank everyone who supported the label that day. We also had a blast hosting punk kickball a few weeks ago and will be announcing another installment sometime this summer. Otherwise, we have been cooking up something super tasty that we’ll be announcing soon. Keep an eye out. And get your forks ready.

QUICK CHANGE! will be working their asses off this summer to scrape together enough money to record their first full length LP with Joni Elfers in Maine (Who they worked with previously on their debut EP “LIP SERVICE”). When they are not working, they’ll be writing, rehearsing, and playing live around Delaware in preparation for the album. Keep up with the band on their Instagram and Bandcamp for updates on their upcoming projects and shows!

Shooting Shark, the predecessor to Think Machine, is back after many years with a new EP out digitally and via CD on 5/31. CDs are on a limited run so snatch that up while you can on their bandcamp or on the Impetus website.

Graver’s Lane is spending this summer playing more shows and writing more songs following the release of and tour supporting their latest EP “Natural Crimson” back in January. You can catch them in Newark on 6/2 at Rainbow Records. They are currently looking to book more out of state shows - if you can help, get ahold of them on Instagram @graverslane302 or email at graverslaneband at gmail.com

Death By Indie is heading into the summer stewing on what's to come next after the release of their new album, 7 Day Farmers Market. Don't panic! There's still a chance or two to catch them live if you didn't make it out to their Gild Hall release show. On June 30th DBI will be in Philly at Orpheus Garden before making their return to Arden, Delaware for Shady Grove Music Festival on July 13th.

A Paramount, a Love Supreme is in the kitchen cooking up some tasty tracks to record this summer, and they have a tour in the works this fall. You can catch them in Wilmington at The Queen on 6/7 with Tether and Think Machine and in Philly at The Palace on 6/22.

Think Machine has been taking it easy the last few months while Evan has been dealing with his POTS. They’ve played the occasional show thanks to Misha from Johnny Football Hero filling in on drums. Over the last few weeks, Evan has rejoined practices, and the band is continuing to write new songs while also bringing some deep cuts back into their setlist. The band will start recording soon for an upcoming split and, after a while, for their next record. Catch them at The Queen on 6/7 alongside Tether and APALS.

Spirit Pack is coming in hot off their live debut at Newark's The Secret Tunnel and Wilmington's Squeezebox Records. They will be packing an upcoming release with anthemic emo tracks to be recorded throughout the summer. Follow them on instagram @spiritpackband to keep up to date.

IKobika currently exists on the fringes of reality. Sometimes they practice. Sometimes they play shows. Maybe you’ll catch them. Maybe you won’t.

Lemmeno wants you to listen to Excellent Italian Greyhound by Shellac.

Lonely Bird Records recently released Graver’s Lane’s EP “Natural Crimson” on Cassette Tape back in January, and Drop Therapy’s “Winter in the Mountains; Summer in the Valley” on CD this past April. You can listen to both releases on streaming, or pick up a physical copy here.

Grandeur is finishing up some mixes for their upcoming 2 song Gaga cover EP and working on recording their own record right now while continuing to tour and get the word out. You can catch them on tour with Brooklyn’s Alt Pop sweethearts Leone from 5/29-6/2 - they’ll be in Newark on 6/2 at Rainbow Records alongside Graver’s Lane.

Septic is taking the summer off from playing shows to work on some new songs and rework some old ones.

Moonflower would like to thank The Secret Tunnel for reaching out and asking them to reunite for the house venue’s final show on 5/11. The band has a few old demos and unfinished tracks that they may work on in the near future. In the meantime, Andrew is tattooing down in Milton and always looking for new clients, Liam has been busy with APALS, and Nate has been carrying every local band on his back. Moonflower is grateful that people still care about the music and band enough to want them to play another show, and thanks the local labels for their never ending support with Feel it Too.

Hive Mind is focusing on writing and recording new stuff and trying to get another album out there. You can catch them at Grass Stains Festival in South Jersey on 7/14.

Johnny Football Hero will be releasing their first LP later this year and is looking forward to taking the time to hone in on making the best record they can possibly create. The band is sad to announce the departure of their drummer, best friend, and co-founder, Misha Datskovsky, who will be leaving Philadelphia to pursue a PhD in Political Science at the University of Illinois. Despite this sad loss, the band plans on trucking forward, with plans to find someone new to take the drumming mantle and further expand their lineup. Overall, the band is keeping their spirits bright for the future.

That’s all, folks. Get to the gigs, buy the records, support the scene, and be good to each other. Until next time,

Liv & Diego